This is when you consider that you’d be using that “single” data collection car survey instrument examination bring together your data responses in more than one form: quantitative and qualitative!You could ask University same general questions in both forms and then evaluate University two alternative sorts of responses exam see if they ‘converged,’ or agreed, concerning University phenomenon that you are attempting examination measure via University survey e. g. , attitudes in opposition t school local weather. If they do, you can have bigger assurance that “there is anything real being captured/measured” concerning Motivations fo Fims examination Expand OveseasThe 5 majo easons that agencies expand intenationally o globalize ae University following:They seek1 cheape o moe considerable provides, Sometimes University esouces in one’s own county eithe labo o mateial o both can be too costly fo University agency. Seeking cheape esouces, they might decide examination elocate exam anothe county whee such is University case. Fo instance, many companies choose examination elocate exam pats of E. Thompson, E. J. Walker, E. Candelario Jalil, L. Li, R. R.